Friday, July 20, 2007

A victim, tyrant and 2 officers of the law

Two police officers (one male, one female) discover a horrible mutilated but still alive victim (female) and her oppressor who is male. I am aware of myself being all four characters in the dream simultaneously.

The victim has practically starved herself to death. She lies on a bed, her arms limp and immobile ("yes" the male officer says "it often happens that the muscle will detach itself from the body when not used"). Her two sides (her midriff area left and right) are like two deflated balloons hung from her boney ribcage. The male officer slightly lift one of the limp fleshy sacks and when he lets go it flops back down to the bed.

The tyrant who has little to say was going to put this poor specimen to use in a dishonourable way (employ her for shoplifting perhaps?) but law and order is restored with the arrival of the two officers and the tyrant is safely disarmed.

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