Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Wave

I am on holiday by the sea, watching a girl playing on the beach. I know this girl is really I - younger and more vulnerable - I am my own guardian angel looking compassionately on.

She rides the waves allowing them to pick her up from behind, carry her forward and deposit her a few metres down the beach. She is like an aquatic mammal equally at home on land and in the water, slinking back and forth across the shores boundary.

I glance to the horizon and see that a larger wave is approaching. I want to warn her but realise I have no words and am confined to gesture alone. I begin to wave my arms and instinctively she looks to me: through some private sign language I manage to convey to her the danger.

She begins to run for her life - the wave is carrying mud and debris that will smash her small body to a pulp if it catches her. But she is young, fit, her pace and luck is good - she reaches safe ground on some rocks just as the wave crashes in.

The scale of the wave is utterly awe inspiring; energy and form, the pliant watery creature is forced upright into a towering wall.

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