Thursday, September 20, 2007

the corn king 2

I see an old scarecrow lying on the floor, it is all splayed out and lifeless with corn sheaves sticking out of it's sleeves.

Suddenly though it begins to move, it is jumping and twisting at the neck in a most peculiar way, as if trying to get up. Briefly in my dream I think of another dream - when I saw the corn fields stand up and kill families, children.

I tell myself to be brave and move closer. His head starts to fall off and inside I see...

Woofa! My lovely old little dog, white and wiry a cross between Jack Russel and a Terrier (she died last year). She has made her bed in the straw but perhaps it is itching her, she is rather grumpily (as was always her way as she got older!) digging and turning trying to get comfy; it is this that is making the corn king dance.

She settles back down again, I note in my dream that she must have gotten cold and so had hid in there for warmth; I note that I must make sure I provide bedding to keep her warm.

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