Saturday, September 29, 2007

Organic invasion of two teenage girls

I am an adolescent girl in this dream, maybe a little older, early twenties? Still with the flush of youth, not yet stepped into 'womanhood'.

I am with some other girl friends all of a similar age. We have been on the run, something has been chasing us. We have though arrived in a new flat, we think that maybe we are safe now. It is a bit of an adventure - perhaps like leaving home for the first time.

We are looking around the rooms of our new flat, it is empty, spacious, stylish - wooden floors, period features - an attractive shared apartment in which my friends and I can play and learn to be 'grown ups'.

We walk into one room, and a very strange site greets us. It is one of our friends, it looks as if she is asleep, but she is almost vertical? She is strangely suspended in the middle of the room, yet looks peaceful and at rest.

I have a sinking feeling in my gut, I have seen this somewhere before, I begin to back away and try to warn my friend....

But it is too late. Now I am out of my body and watching the two girls - this I now remember is the thing that we have been fleeing, but it is too late, it is upon us.

As I watch them, an organic growth sprouts from surprised mouths, from small pert nasal passages. It grows like a vine around their faces and they are bound together - upright, like their friend. They are cocooned by an invasive growth, whether it is animal or vegetable it is hard to tell, it seems to be a combination of both.

There seems to be some inevitability to this event, like it was something they could not escape no matter how far they ran.

The friends now are all 'sleeping' - in stasis - it seems that they will be killed by this invasion, yet I sense also they will wake up into a new and unrecognisable world with only a distant echo remaining of their lives before this event.

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