Monday, October 30, 2017

Samain dream

Its that time of year again, of the thin veils ...
Last night I was in my childhood home, with all my family as they were then. We were in the kitchen milling about, cooking, normal family stuff. Then I "woke up" but still in the dream and realised "none of this exists, it is an illusion, none of it is real ..."
With that the walls started changing colour to red, to orange. The family scene carried on but at the same time, it felt like I had taken an acid trip in the middle of it, with multiple layers and timelines all interweaving.
Later I found myself in a swimming pool with my lovely mom Maggie (she died when I was 26). I have not seen her so vividly in dream time for some while now. We were kind of doing a partnered swimming dance in the water, taking turns to lead and to follow, swinging one another around getting giggly and dizzy.
We laughed each time we strayed too near the deep end, dancing on our tippy toes our long swan necks stretching (I was always rather proud of my neck, elegantly long just like hers).

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