Thursday, September 27, 2018

The men of iron balls

A dream opens with a musing on "I may be poor, but at least I am not them ..."

The dream then switches to "them" ...

The them the narrator is relieved he is not, is a gang of black slaves in an iron production facility.

There are square pools that look cruelly like a play ball pool - only these pools are filled with oil black water and black balls each about the size of a small orange.

In the water are black men dressed in rags. Again and again they tow huge bowl like nets through the water - shouting and building to a crescendo of effort on each turn - in order to scoop and turn the iron balls out of the water onto the side of the pool. It looks like they have been cooling, or being oiled, in the fetid pools.

Each time they charge hauling the nets, they bump cruelly into one another, and into the iron balls. Their knees often bulge in cruelly round shapes - echoing the shape of the iron balls they are continually being bashed against.

White men patrol the edges of the pools.

Its is a hellish place. Its clear that each man will work till he drops dead.

Later I look up the symbolism of Iron and read it is to do with "human strength, obstinacy, fortitude, honor, courage, sharpness (of body and mind), tenacity, and confidence in power."

The author who wrote about the qualities of iron in the 1400's, went bankrupt through bad deals in the new world, and disappeared into a monastery for 10 years till he could return to work. 

Today - I have submitted a debt relief instruction, and will be going bankrupt soon.

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