Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Cream tea with a ghost?

In the early hours of this morning I was dreaming about an old woman, feeding me a cream tea. We were in a room with big old fashioned windows that she kept insisting remain open, even though I felt chilled.
As she lovingly served up the tea - she also kept indicating to the window. She seemed to say there were more people outside the window, who would come inside, if they could see us sitting here.
She wanted me to know there were more people outside (I looked out and could just see open sky), and also for the people outside to see - "look, I am sitting here talking with her, come in and join us".
My alarm went off 6.30am right in the middle of the dream. As I reached over I stopped in shock for a few moments, as by my bed was a tall figure made up of white strands of light, fading.
I felt that it was the old lady in my dream. I was scared for a few moments - but subsequently felt that the figure although powerful (hence the fear) was ultimately kindly and protective too.
She had served me a cream tea, after all 
Attached picture was nearest I could find to what I saw - especially the light being high up - and there being something like a cloak (almost like a crown?), though it was a single figure.

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