Monday, March 11, 2024

Cold Dead Dad Dream

 I am walking down a street with my brother. I start to speak with a sense of dread in my heart - "M, you know, I can't quite remember, but did Dad die? I can't quite recall if he is dead ....". He confirms that yes, Dad did indeed die recently.

I say "but we need to make arrangements then? You know, funeral, ashes etc, there is so much to do!".

Next I am at a funeral parlour and they are taking me to see Dad. They take me to a big open freezer that is white plastic, a bit odd like a food freezer I think but never mind ... The director leaves me with my Dads dead body.

I think to call the funeral director back because I can see Dads body is moving! He is all white, frozen and with ice crystals on his skin, but his chest seems to move as if air is moving ... I think to myself "its ok, dead bodies do this, they settle and they move, thats all it is, don't be scared, don't be silly ..."

I move closer to him, until I am right by his side. Then in one slow awful movement, his whole body - arms extended - rolls and turns slowly towards me in one frozen rigid movement. I scream as his hands land on my arms.

I wake up in a state of terror ...

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