Tuesday, October 8, 2024

2 bird dreams

The Parrot

I am in a bar with Joanne, an old school friend I haven't seen for years! She is with a male friend.

I walk in with a very tall thin man (my shamanic lodge friend?), but he is also a little like a baby. Joanne and her friend take over looking after "the baby". I feel a little embarrasseed, I get the sense he is mine to have been looking after but I haven't been doing a very good job. Maybe I have neglected him, let him get cold or not been very considerate of his needs.

They take him off my hands, I am vaguely aware there maybe something sexual in their care of him (like kink baby play?) and kind of unsure or unkeen about that. But I let him go off with them anyway.

Next I notice there are some birds in the bar, they are amazing finch like birds, so elegant, two parents and two baby birds I think? I point my friends to them exclaiming with excitement and awe.

Next - a parrot lands on my head! He is beautiful too. I feed him big red / orange berries (sea buckthorn maybe?). I feel uncertain about what are the right foods to give him. But he eats and squishes the juicy berries and seems very happy with them!

The seagulls

I am staying in a room by the coast, it has amazing large floor to ceiling windows on 3 sides. I am lying in bed gazing out of these windows, many things and people are passing by outside, I am aware of / can see the sea too.

Then a flock of seagulls start flying towards the window, there are thousands of them! They fly en masse towards the window, I worry that they will crash into it but they don't seem to. Its the most beautiful awe inspiring sight!

The Hot Spring

A few nights earlier I recall a dream about being in a hot spring with my friend Mary. The water is very warm and there are plants in this medium sized pond, it feels very good to be in it.

The Elements

After these dreams I have a talk with my supervisor about elements and shamanism. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Colosseum & the Minotaur

 I am sitting at a computer which is a bit more like a game you sit in at the amusement arcade, i.e. there is a seat / joystick etc all part of the 'computer'.

I click on something kind of knowing that I shouldn't I see a virus starting to load and I know that "it" is going to take everything.

I quickly press a big button to force quit. It goes off, then I turn it back on hoping nothing will have downloaded ...

Next I am falling down in a big atrium - a big open space surrounded by floor after floor of a building, balconies, people watching. A bit like a colosseum crossed with a stately home.

Other things are falling with me, they are cats and dogs! it is raining cats and dogs in this space. They are kind of cartoonish. One is like scooby doo and he embraces his cat friend with his whole body as they fall as if to try to shield and protect her. We all fall into a swimming pool. Someone is preparing fake antlers for us.

One by one, these cute small animals are going to be taken out of the holding pool with their flimsy fake antlers to meet something like a 'minotaur' for the entertainment of all the people on the balconies (though actually, I can't recall any faces of anyone watching, just empty balconies).

The anticipation of this beginning is horrible ...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A constellation for dead people

 I am in a big round ceremonial tent - there are lots of dead people in it.

A few live people are around me including Sarah and Am, a black woman funeral celebrant. I am going to do a constellation for the dead people and they are helping me.

We lay all the dead people in a circle with one in the centre of the circle. I sense in the dream that they were not related before their death but they are related in death, and that the relationship all orbits around the one in the centre. E.g. perhaps a train driver and people who died in a train crash he caused - it is not this - but something like it.

I ask Am to go and represent for the dead person in the centre.

She stands by the body (I am not sure, is it a he? yes I think so ...) and begins speaking. "I am getting steam, yes its the age of steam and of trains. It is this era". She says some more. I say "that's great, now can you tell me, do you feel any relationship with any of the other people in the circle?" Other live people begin moving towards the dead people in the circle about to represent for them too ...

At that moment a pigeon flies in chaotically and thwaks on the back of the tent. Then another pigeon and even more ... I can see a great flock of them appearing on the horizon from miles around all heading towards the entrance to the tent.

The pigeons flock on the dead body in the centre. They are all pecking on the body just like they do in our garden when we put down handfuls of seed. They are not tearing at the flesh though, the beak pecking is delicate, not harmful, precise - maybe they are even cleansing the body somehow?

As they peck the dead body I know and feel that they are pecking my body too even though I cannot see the pigeons on me I can feel it ...

We all run out of the tent eventually. There is a phase where I am having a shower, I am trying to wash conditioner out of my hair but the tap is a dribble, Sarah says not to worry it will come out. She is right I think as I feel my hair going nice and soft and clean.

Eventually we gather to go back to the tent and continue constellating, but we discover the tent and all the dead bodies are gone! Some of our assistants say "oh sorry, we thought you had finished so we packed everything away". I get the sense it has all been packed into a lorry.

Something feels ok about that in the dream and I am not perturbed.

Now awake I feel maybe the pigeons had done the work and there was no more constellating to be done? I look up the spiritual meaning of pigeons and find this which feels right:

"pigeons symbolize triumph, resilience, and personal growth. They guide through challenges, encouraging virtues like mercy and forgiveness. Spiritual Guidance And Dream Meanings: Pigeons serve as messengers, delivering messages of peace."



 I am living in an upstairs flat, an attic room.

A white bunny appears! I find it in the bathroom, I think it belongs to someone else and wonder why they have been neglecting it in the bathroom. "You should take better care of it" I say.

It is running around the bedroom now very fast. It runs and runs the slips between the railings at the top of the stairs (old fashioned wooden ones) and hurtles into the void of the stairwell. I run towards the stairs in shock certain it must be dead. But it is limping up the stairs with its right paw held infront and rigid looking very sorry for itself (a bit like our dog Gigi would with phantom paw pain when she wanted some attention).

Next I find myself looking at a city map. I am going to vote with someone, they (or i?) are disabled, we are looking at the map to work out the route to disabled voting. We step down into the tube tunnels and are on our way. Suddenly I remember, Bunny! What has happened to her?

I run looking around in panic wondering where she is. I see her then in a long empty underground tunnel, one of the older ones with discoloured, yellowing ceramic tiles. She looks so vulnerable there in the tunnel all alone.

Monday, March 11, 2024

New Photo Album of my Ancestors

I am back in Wolverhampton, around the shops at the intersection of Birches Barn Rd and Stubbs Rd. This is very near Eagle Street where my Maternal Grandparents used to live and where I used to go and see them - Kitty and Hotspur. I am with a friend who I think of as a "witchy" friend from London and we are walking around. 

She says to me that our pasts are interconnected and therefore, she has a photo album which may include some pictures of my family. She says she doesn't want it any more and wonders if I would like it? I am a bit unsure at first but take it anyway.

I start flicking through it as she goes into the shops and I wait for her (I wonder event if we have a pram with a baby in it that I am looking after? Anyhow, I remain outside.). I flick through an array of black and white photos and then - I am surprised to see one that is a picture that is of my family! My focus goes deeper into the album ...

I see several more, they are all black and white or "old fashioned" photos. They contain pictures mostly of my mum and her parents - then sometimes of me too - but the timeline is all skewed (i.e. I am there age about 10 with my mum in her early20s).

As I look at the photos something strange happens ... I step into them and they become short holographic vignettes. I.e. a few seconds of "action" around the still photo; I am immersed in these scenes as if I was wearing the most advanced of 3D specs!

Oh MY!!! I exclaim loudly ... I am seeing things for the first time about my family. In each picture the action that unfolds is pretty similar. They are outside with strangers (e.g. walking along a sea front on holiday) and then they start to do something comedic and hilariously funny.

E.g. one of them will start walking like "the ministry of silly walks" from Monty Python, the rest of us will catch the gag and follow suit all laughing hysterically. People around will notice and sometimes even join in with us.

I immerse myself in the photos, revelling in just how FUN and silly my family was. In my therapy journey, I have focused on some very difficult aspects of my family, so its amazing to connect with the laughter and humour in it too.

C comes out and I say to her effusively "THANK YOU!!! You have given me a new insight into my family, I have seen things that I never saw before!" She smiles warmly and is pleased.