Tuesday, October 8, 2024

2 bird dreams

The Parrot

I am in a bar with Joanne, an old school friend I haven't seen for years! She is with a male friend.

I walk in with a very tall thin man (my shamanic lodge friend?), but he is also a little like a baby. Joanne and her friend take over looking after "the baby". I feel a little embarrasseed, I get the sense he is mine to have been looking after but I haven't been doing a very good job. Maybe I have neglected him, let him get cold or not been very considerate of his needs.

They take him off my hands, I am vaguely aware there maybe something sexual in their care of him (like kink baby play?) and kind of unsure or unkeen about that. But I let him go off with them anyway.

Next I notice there are some birds in the bar, they are amazing finch like birds, so elegant, two parents and two baby birds I think? I point my friends to them exclaiming with excitement and awe.

Next - a parrot lands on my head! He is beautiful too. I feed him big red / orange berries (sea buckthorn maybe?). I feel uncertain about what are the right foods to give him. But he eats and squishes the juicy berries and seems very happy with them!

The seagulls

I am staying in a room by the coast, it has amazing large floor to ceiling windows on 3 sides. I am lying in bed gazing out of these windows, many things and people are passing by outside, I am aware of / can see the sea too.

Then a flock of seagulls start flying towards the window, there are thousands of them! They fly en masse towards the window, I worry that they will crash into it but they don't seem to. Its the most beautiful awe inspiring sight!

The Hot Spring

A few nights earlier I recall a dream about being in a hot spring with my friend Mary. The water is very warm and there are plants in this medium sized pond, it feels very good to be in it.

The Elements

After these dreams I have a talk with my supervisor about elements and shamanism. 

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