Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Diamond Mining

I am in the cellar of a large building with three men, one of whom seems more special to me than the others. I am drawn by the strange qualities of these men. We have a heavy task to undertake and they are strong: I appreciate their physical presence and am excited by their muscle. But I am aware also that these men are strangely feminine: they are artists and are creative, sensitive types. I find myself pondering their suitability for the task and realize that I need to be firm in my leadership.

The task is this: a man has hidden some treasure in the rocks beyond this basement. The treasure is a beautiful diamond (I can still feel it shining within me now as I write). I lead my team into a cramped and dark tunnel and shut the door behind us. I explain that the diamond is embedded within the rocks somewhere beyond this tunnel. It is very close nearby, I sense the presence of its beauty: but we do not know exactly where it is and so will have to tunnel blindly.

There are risks in our task. Once we begin to tunnel we cannot return until we have found our treasure. There is a danger that we may spend the rest of our lives down there in the dark, never finding the thing that we seek.

I ask the team if they are up for it, “YES” they all shout and we turn to the task. But then a strange thing happens: I turn to the man to whom I felt most drawn. We smile at each other and then we lie down. I realise that we must begin our work now – the treasure is so near! – but our hands stroke each other and we float away to a warmer brighter place where all is well and nothing is to be done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.