Thursday, September 6, 2007

the corn king

The dream commences with preparing for a holiday, for some kind of journey.

I am in a car (with a family?) - driving them along a long straight 'highway' (it seems that we are in America). I am accelerating, my passengers are getting scared, "don't look back" I am telling them - and we accelerate faster, faster - the dream is all rushing road, revving engine and cornfields passing by in a blur.

Next I am up above the scene watching from the sky. Other cars are accelerating too, some are swerving, crashing, out of control. A tidal wave of 'something' is coming down the road. There is a lady in a jeep (a black lady) and I realise she is my friend. I will her to drive faster but she is slowing down, letting people by. "No don't stop" I want to scream (only I am 'out of my body'!) but she pulls into a lay by...

Then to my relief I see what she is doing as she swings round and throws her car up the embankment opposite; pitching over the top the vehicle lands on it's side but she climbs out unscathed. With a family she stands at the top of the embankment watching - I look down the road expecting a wave or some natural disaster, some kind of weather phenomenon...

But instead I see that the corn either side of the road is gathering up into a dusty a wave and has formed into a giant corn monster! It is almost comical, like some awful B movie, but it is terrifying too - the ground shakes as he walks down the road roaring like Godzilla!

There is a family scrambling up the bank from a nearby farm, he reaches over and scoops them all up in one dry, scratchy corn hand. They are all screaming and one by one he plucks them out of his hand and hurls them to certain death across the corn fields. It is sickening watching them, especially the women, screaming as they await their 'turn'.

Then he is down to the children, I don't see the little girl go (maybe I have looked away by this time)...

Next there is a little boy, about 7, he shouts heroically (again like some poor American B movie) "You big beast I'll huff and I'll puff..." but we don't hear what else he has to say as he too is hurled into the air.

Here the dream (nightmare) sinks to depths far beyond even B movies as I hear the boy shouting at the monster still as he flies through the air; then the thud as he hits the ground - a choking sound as he fights for his last few breaths...

My attention focuses in on the farm house that they all ran from (though in the back of my mind I am concerned for the safety of the black lady standing on the bank watching all of this). I see an old fashioned wooden fold up chair (of the kind used in village halls or a small parish church). The seat has two words cut with a pocket knife on it's underside, which is revealed as it is folded up.

It says simply "thankyou" and then a name. The name begins with "K" and maybe has an "S" in it too - I can't remember more but I have the feeling it was an old Pagan name. I sense that this simple carved gesture (which may have been done by the boy?) is what has enraged the corn king.

Either the boy has thanked some God that he shouldn't have been consorting with, or the family has forgotten to thank the corn King and this is why he is angry (I sense all of this somehow as I watch the scene).

(the name may have been 'Kreysws' though this is not quite right, I think there was some 'old' or unusual lettering in the name - perhaps though some early version of 'Christus'?)

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