Monday, September 3, 2007

public toilets

I am in some kind of community college / adult education centre and need the toilet. I see the doors closing on a lift, I press the button and make them open again and step in with two girls in their late teens; they clearly don't want me sharing the lift with them but I don't really care.

I follow them to the toilets and we walk in to a horrific sight. Every toilet is brown, stained, full of shit, overflowing and the floors are all horrifically flooded with god knows what. In one cubicle that I dare not look into, I see that the floor is awash with congealing blood and maggots, I wonder to myself if perhaps someone had slashed their wrists in there and why no-one had bothered to clean it up.

I remember dimly that I had been to these toilets earlier in that same night / dream; on this first visit they were much cleaner. I wonder how it could have gotten so bad?

The girls are tiptoeing around, actually intending to USE these toilets but I realise that I simply cannot. I ask them if they know of any others elsewhere (I was a little intimidated by their teenage boisterousness at first but I have regained control and mastery over the situation now)...

The one girl turns to direct me to some other toilets. Her mouth is a gaping black cavern on her face (maybe she has been eating those sweets that children sometimes do, that dye the mouth black?), she has braces and her hair frizzes in an ungainly way. I feel slightly repelled by her 'ugliness' but try not to show it.

(That morning when I wake up my period has started).

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