Monday, September 3, 2007

naughty girl

I am in the countryside, I am looking after a little girl about 6 or 7 years old. She has been left with me by her family who are now going off for a countryside walk, they have a little toddler toddling after them who is the sibling of the girl with me.

The toddler keeps looking back over his shoulder to us and looks distressed in some way, then I notice that it is his dummy he is looking for and the naughty little girl with me has stolen it. I run after the family and give them the dummy.

I am heading back to the camp away from the family and the little girl is with me, she wants to go with the family and to be honest, so do I! I am quite peed off that I have been left to look after this truculent little monster and I am feeling sulky and not at all up to the task!

She climbs up a tree to see the family walking off over the horizon and says she wants to go with them. I am really angry by now and shout that she can't because she is too naughty, which is why she has been left behind.

I am embarrassed by my anger with such a young child and look around to see if anyone has seen me shouting so cruelly at her....

but she really is so very naughty!

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