Sunday, November 11, 2007

ice channel melted

I am with a man, we are on an open hillside looking down an a huge glacial channel of ice cutting a great fissure into the surrounding rocks.

He says "we can move this" and levers himself into place at the top of the channel - back braced against rock and feet straining to push the ice. It seems ridiculous that we could move so much ice but I join him in the endeavour.

To my surprise it begins to shift and soon the ice is on the move, crunching and creaking it's way down the mountainside. We follow behind it giving it a helping push now and again, but it happens mostly easily and without effort and we have time to 'surf' on on the shiny surface left behind as we follow the flow down the mountainside.

We skate laughing all of the way down till we reach the ocean, where I see that the salt is slowly breaking the ice plug into a vast ocean slush puppy. The mood of this event is joyful, playful but also contains within it a sense of awe that so much could be moves so quickly and effortlessly.

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