Sunday, August 10, 2008

A lizzard living in my leg

I dreamt last night that I had an area of dry skin on my outer left thigh. When I observed it more closely it's shape was like a little snake, with four little foot like protusions. I took some nivea cream and spent some time covering the area of dry skin with this, rubbing more and more in. The area of dry skin began to emerge from my thigh (drawn out by the cream) and turned out to be a lizzard that had been living in my leg. It ran off and hid in the bathroom, leaving a lizzard like dent behind in my thigh.

The emergence of the lizzard was actually very painful in the dream (I had to look in the morning to see if I wasn't injured there!) but within the pain there was a feeling of something departing my body that needed not to be held there. The dream ended with the lizzard still in my bathroom - I wanted to catch and contain it, but also I was afraid that if I went after it, that if might 'occupy' my body once again, that it might even take me over.

Later that day I drew the tarot card - The High Priestess - whose qualities include objectivity, penetration, foresight, perception and emotionlessness. I felt then that the lizzard perfectly embodied these qualities with his cold emotionless eyes (someone some days previous had actually commented on how cold my eyes are - a reflection that both shocked and intrigued me). That it was at liberty and abroad in the world - whilst thi might frighten me, perhaps this represents a positive development in how I manifest in the world...?

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