Sunday, February 26, 2017

Medusa Dream

What was it, a Piscean new moon mega super eclipse or something?
Last night amongst many fevered roamings, I dreamt snakes were growing out of my ears and eating my head. I kept trying to twist them round pencils and pull them out to no avail. I felt ashamed and worried someone might see them. But rather like the lady pictured, they were so numerously replicating and strengthening as I tried to kill them - I had to give up the fight in the end.
She is in Capitol museum, Rome, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1630.

[edit] so recalling the dream in more detail, the snakes came from a gap just above my ears. It was quite particular that there was a neat round hole made in the "temporal" bone where they spilled out. Temporal means "relating to time, present life, worldly, secular as oppose to eternal, ecclesiastical".

I felt shame as snakes spilled out through this gap. At the same time I surrendered to them biting this away. There seems something quite archetypal and healing in this dream, that relates to themes currently active for me.

For instance I am reignited in an investigation of the significance of my Catholic roots and ancestry. Here is a recent article with some reflections on self pleasuring and "mortal sins".

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