Thursday, February 23, 2017

The most beautiful man ...

I "wake up" to find I have an Ipad of some sort in my hands, it has been given to me second hand. It's screen is slightly cracked and I am unsure if it will turn on, I press the button to see.

It slowly charges into life and starts to call someone, a video call. An image forms, emerging from an inky blackness very slowly. I see a man with sandy red hair (not too long but not short either) and a beard. He is not a man I would typically be attracted to, but in this moment I look at him with a growing sense of "oh you are sooooooo beautiful" as the image slowly forms.

He notices me and says hello. I am a little flustered as I am not sure why I have called him, I mumble something about maybe a wrong number. He smiles and chats anyway. He is wearing khaki jacket and trousers, very casually dressed. The room emerging behind him looks like it is in the countryside, I imagine it has a wood burning stove, maybe I see plants hanging to dry.

He tells me his name, first and second. Sadly on waking I cannot recall it, except that I think it began with A. I feel like I might know him, I find I am searching my memory banks "I am sure that I know you".

We talk easily, I feel such a deep love gently growing, I do not want this moment to end ...

The alarm rings.

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