Thursday, July 27, 2017

The sleeping alien

A handsome man brings me an odd creature in a bucket, a giant prehistoric eel / centipede thing. We watch it roiling and writhing, it comes up out the bucket and climbs around inside the mans shirt. "Eek" I screech "don't let it do that to me!" (Yes I know Freud would have a field day!).
Scroll forward, the creature has grown, it is now a large androgynous looking alien. It rests with its eyes closed, looking powerful & vulnerable. "We should kill it some day, we have let it go too far" me & the man discuss.
A woman in a white lab coat arrives and says "just press here, then here (on the nipples which are small concave depressions) very hard and s/he will die." I place my thumb in one, press lightly but can't do it to the sleeping alien who looks so peaceful, and whom I am starting to love.
Scroll forward more years and the alien is now a beautiful young woman with red hair. She is living in my room and I flash through the many places I have lived. "She was there all along!" a 'narrator' me muses. She cannot speak, just makes odd guttural noises, I teach her a language slowly, one that is very old. Through wave like gestures and watery sounds, the first word I teach her is one for the Ocean. For a while she smokes roll ups (as I did in my twenties) and looks faraway and sad, I am concerned for her.
Finally I arrive in the present day, my current housemates are around. "Where are we going to put her?" we discuss. "Well, she has lived in my room all these years, but maybe she needs her own now? ..." I ponder on this, her having her own room. Is it a good idea? Is she ready? Can I let her free now or does she still need my protection?
In that moment I become sentient in the dream. I realise I have just scrolled through my entire life - but I haven't seen any dogs. I have had many dogs in my life, from my first 'best friend' a springer spaniel called Rusty, to the 'adopted' dogs of partners: they often feature in dreams, my furry little friends.
I sit bolt upright in bed shouting "the dogs, where are the dogs!!!"
Image courtesy of

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