Saturday, October 14, 2017

Stags head hair ...

Last night I dreamt I had huge antlers on my head, at least two foot tall. They were woven out of my own long chestnut brown hair, in places the hair was plaited with red ribbons ...

when the dream began I had no antlers. I was in a chaotic room, where everything and everyone was disconnected. As I watched the chaos I felt energy building up inside me. It didn't seem like anger, just pressure plain and simple, no judgement, no name.
The pressure built up till tendrils began to creep out of my eyes. The tendrils grew into ribbons, then into great swathes of colourful fabric pouring from my eyes, sweeping the room and wrapping around all the fragmented parts.
All the parts were swept into a great pot, a lid put on and I blasted it with a burst invoking "KALI" and one great wave of destructive energy.
Now I was seated, poised, wearing a long cloak and great antlers on my head woven out of my own beautiful long chestnut brown hair. I looked very regal.
I opened the door of the pot which was now a room and walked inside. The blood of the destruction was splattered across walls and I crunched over bones - but there was no feeling except "it needed to be done".
I was looking for something though in the wreckage - a little girl. I looked, sensing, hoping "yes, she will have survived, surely....".

Then gazing into a window I saw reflected in the glass - the little girl, emerging from the carnage! She looked so sweet, so innocent. As I watched in the glass her image came into clarity and merged with my own so that we were both wearing antlers.

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