Monday, November 20, 2017

A dream about power

In my twenties I travelled for a couple of years. The journeys - as when I travelled in China and across Russia on the Trans Siberian - were the most magical adventures. At times too they intersected with a perilous homelessness - in Europe and East Europe - when increasing addiction issues were at play. But without exception *all of these journeys* were the first steps on a whole life lived on "a road less travelled".

Opening scene - personal power

I am in a warren of small shacks that is somewhere between a traveller hostel and a refugee camp. My "room" has four wobbly walls, a door that doesn't lock and three single mattresses in it. Additionally I am sharing my own mattress with a strange man.

I spend some time early in the dream sorting the few possessions I have in a bag. I am navigating how to live with such little privacy. I feel aroused at some point and want to masturbate but strangers keep walking in and out.

As I search through my few belongings I find and put on a pair of black kitten heeled shoes and a smart (skirted) business suit. I study myself in a mirror - I look very powerful, and feel I can do or take on anything in this suit.

I notice I am standing really firm and secure, which is unusual as I have ankle problems which in life makes wearing heels a problem, so I always wear flat shoes.

Scene 2 - the power of property

I walk out the encampment in my suit - I see that it is is built under an archway by the sea. I watch the sea for some time and feel myself merging with the waves rolling in. Then I then carry on into this new city to explore.

I am visiting some friends whom I know live here. They are actually two people I know in life, in the dream they live together, though in fact they do not know each other in my daytime world. They have in common though that they are both psychotherapists, and are older and more senior to me.

Back to the dream - I am looking around the flat that they own. It is a bit bland to be honest, all beige colours and safe choices of furnishing. I open a door and find a "wing" to the flat that I know they are not using. The unused wing is an old Victorian Spa, with blue and white ceramic fittings and lots of cast iron equipment. It is stunningly beautiful.

I am so excited by the unused wing. I know instinctively that its going to reopen and that although it is they who own it, it is I who will be a catalyst for its reopening. I realise that I am the younger energy that they need, to return life and activity to this place.

I walk around for some time savouring in my imagination the healing and creativity we are going to open here - through peoples bodies, psyche, and souls.

Scene 3 - impersonal power

Now I am out walking in a street scene that has a Moroccan feel, there is a chaos of old markets nestling with more modern developments. I am with a tour guide and a group of people. The tour guide is showing us a screen and on it is an infrared image. There is a very hazy image of a car driving in open desert.

The car swerves from side to side and a red dot appears. The car is being targeted and we are viewing it from a camera on a drone. The car swerves around for some minutes and eventually it and the red dot meet up. There is an explosion and the car is gone. I notice that I feel no emotion about the life that has just been lost in this scene.

Later I am walking around an old fashioned sea front, swimming next to me in the air is a toy shark. I walk along and the shark moves along with me. Its head moves slowly from side to side searching out its prey. The shark is in fact the drone that earlier destroyed the car - it has been disguised as a toy shark - and it now accompanies me as I walk around.

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