Sunday, December 3, 2017

Exploding House Dream

I was running round a house knowing that any minute, a huge explosion was going to be unleashed nearby, trying to find somewhere safe to hide... Everywhere I looked were windows that would shatter and slice me, unsafe walls that could no longer protect me...

I ran finally to the cellar and pondered for a second "hmmm the blast may rip up through the ground into the cellar" but knew there was no more time and a decision had to be made, so ducked behind the cellar door.

The second I closed it a HUGE blast shook the ground - rumbling through my legs, belly and chest. I held the door shut as it was pelted by flying debris, vibrating chaotically in my hands. It was a vividly kinaesthetic dream experience that seemed to go on for a minute or more...

When it all subsided I tentatively climbed out into a post apocalyptic landscape of shattered buildings and debris.

You would think I would feel scared... But all around me were many good friends climbing out unharmed from shelters, mostly people I know from Tantra / meditation groups. We all laughed and whooped joyously together in celebration...........

"Whoooooaaaaaaaaa did you FEEEEEEEL THAT! Wow.... that was AWESOME! 

(from 2012)

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