Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Gangster Couple - a dream about my ancestors?

The Gangster Couple - a dream about my ancestors?

I had a strong sense during this dream, that I was meeting some of my ancestors, this sense was present throughout. 

Its a different era in the dream, cars and clothes look older though sometimes they mix up with something from the present.

There is a man and a woman. He is a gangster, a big gangster, constantly on the run, though the authorities are catching up with him. There is a sense of options closing down throughout the dream. The woman involved with him is not a gangster, but by association she has become wrapped up in this environment of crime and fear.

I watch them both, they are frozen and rigid in their bodies, sometimes they walk comically a bit like zombies from a corny zombie apocalypse film. There is a sense that they are greatly suffering. There is a police presence throughout gradually moving closer and closer. There are many stories of evasion and near misses. This all goes on for a long time though I can only recall a few fragments:

He has been captured and is with the police. He is given leave to go visit his elderly parents, they are in a mobile home, on a site like the Romany one locally to me at the edge of the marshes. He tells the police "give use some space, this is all about my parents, its all for them" and the police relax their guard a little empathising with him.

But as soon as the police disappear, a dark blue van appears. He is rolled into a carpet, slung over a mans shoulder, carried and put into the back of the van. The van move slowly out of the trailer park and begins to climb up a hill. They have an old fashioned police radio and are listening to the police. They have noticed already that he has gone and the gangsters driving the van tense a little ...

But then the police say "alert we are looking for a white transit van" - completely different to the small blue old fashioned van (maybe like an old butchers van?) they are driving. The gangsters laugh, they have clearly bribed someone in the police to lie.

Later I see the woman and the gangster standing side by side again. It is so painful to see, their love so pure on the one hand, so fated on the other.

Finally - later - I am there as myself in the dream (I have been more like a witnessing presence till now). I am walking around a prison, it becomes clear that my relative did eventually get caught and spent his life in an institution.

He is now dead, but there are people talking to me. They tell me that he went into prison, but there he started a whole new life that was actually very healing for him. So it felt like the end when the one thing he feared happened - he was caught. But actually it was a whole new beginning for him.

I was told he got involved in a therapeutic programme which included breathwork (a modality I am training in) and that he actually found a great deal of peace and meaning in this, and in helping others.

I feel happy to know that he finally found peace.

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