Thursday, October 15, 2020

My beloved transforms into a banana man

 I meet an old boyfriend. I am gazing at him and gradually realise he is the most beautiful thing I ever saw, "how could I not have seen this before!" I think to myself. Its like he unfolds before my eyes - his skin glows, hair shines, and he is wearing dark clothes wrought with exquisite gold patterns.

Eventually I move towards him with a wholehearted yes - "yes, its you, I want you, yes finally I have been looking for you my whole life - yes!".

He turns towards me (he has been looking away till now) and we are face to face. His hair begins to grow grey and straggly, he grows a grey beard of exactly the kind that repulses me. His eyes become beady and bulge out unevenly, he is now peering at me through thick glasses.

In a final surreal flourish, he reaches down to his side and picks up a banana with his right hand. He brings it towards his face, pouts out his lips and clutches the banana between his upper lip and his nose, wearing it like a moustache.

Throughout his grotesque-ification I have been utterly transfixed - trapped and unable to look away - his banana finale wakes me up in a sweat of panic.

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