Friday, July 20, 2007

A massacre

I see a group of men in the khaki, brown, beige clothes of the army.

They are all bound, legs and knees bent, hands behind back and with black bags on their heads. They are terrified, their fear is so palpable, they are in a cart being taken through a city.

They are unloaded from the cart in a central square and their captors now visible move away leaving them in a terrified huddle, they start to scream and shake sensing that the end is near. The captors begin to shoot - at body and limbs - and they fall over twitching and kicking against their bindings, the scene is horrific.

An officer (it is now clearly a Nazi officer and I notice that several of the soldiers are black) goes round shooting each whether dead or still alive in the head. He comes to one unshot soldier helpless and bound, struggling on the floor.

The officer looks around him and then leans down to take the mask off the man below him.

Why does he want to uncover his face?

Is it to further frighten him?

Or is it to restore his victims humanity?

Is it the gesture of a torturer?

Or a penitent saviour?

Has he relented and found compassion?

The dream end poised in these questions,.

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