Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Brexit dream? In my Fathers House.

A Brexit dream? I wondered how much this dream was a personal distillation of the national happening ... (posted on FB Feb 1st 2020).
I am inside a beautiful big townhouse - bright, spacious - the furniture dated (last 50-150 years) but well kept. The implication of the dream is that I take the house for granted, I wander around barely noticing the luxury I am in. The house is "my fathers house".
Semi dressed I step outside and "click" with a shock the door shuts behind me, I am now vulnerable and exposed on the street. I meet a drug dealer, I am scared and needing help but not knowing who to trust. I ally with him and actually, he helps me break back inside through a small open bathroom window.
Back inside a delegation is arriving. In their 20s / 30s there is a high proportion of people of colour, particularly women. Newly chastened by the perils created by my own arrogance, I start serving drinks and obediently take care to look after the guests well.
Then the "Grandfather of the house" steps up to speak - the delegation have come to hear him in an event which is impromptu but well organised. His former strength and vibrancy remains visible, but impaired by an illness that slurs his speech so it is hard to understand what he says.
However he passionately continues on and makes his case known through drawings on a flip chart, physical expression and an unspoken "psychic" level of transmission. His message is clear and it is this:
The "Father of the house (his son)" - he lets us know - has become corrupted by his wealth, he no longer expresses or upholds the values of the Grandfather. The Grandfather draws images that convey "movement", "freedom", "connection" and "flow". He also conveys qualities of equality and care and is speaking from the heart.
He is desperate to let us know that these values he holds dear - exceed even his love for his own son.
His message is conveyed and felt by the audience. At the same time, his excitable gestures remind me a little of the drug addict who broke me back in to the house. I sense the room wonders if they can trust the conveyor of the message, it's not clear in the dream if he is a statesman or a fool.

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