Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sun rises over dark seas

I am watching my friend and breathwork teacher N with her sister H*. They have a huge piece of paper pinned up on the wall and are working on it with marker pens. They start with black and blue green pens, chaotic swirling lines form a dark tumultuous sea, the blackness of which rises in places cloud like into the sky.

Then they switch to red / orange / yellow pens ...

The lines they are drawing change, a kind of order seems to appear. I recall fibonacci sequence patterns overlaying images of nature, and drawings that highlight the geometry underlying the centre of a sunflower. They move expressively almost as if in a dance as the lines bleed off the edge of the page, like it can barely contain them. The physical expressiveness of their drawing becomes even more urgent, animated and alive ...

As they continue it becomes clear that they are drawing a sun rising, from the horizon of the sea and up behind the dark clouds. The fascinating thing is ...

At this moment the drawing becomes an animation ...

So not only are they animated and moving and alive - the SUN TOO is rising gracefully behind the dark clouds - animated as and by their drawing of it. It is breathtakingly beautiful - I feel held by the two sisters in their field of creativity manifest.

* I often recall more details of dreams as I contemplate and write them up. I just recalled the setting of this dream - a little one room and story building, set in an apple orchard in which I have undertaken lots of personal growth and realisations through breathwork.

The dream made me think of the card "Solar Return" from the Tantric Dakini Oracle - Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger so I looked it up. This part of the text spoke to me:

The relationship of the individual to the collective unconscious is to be considered. The overcoming of obstacles through recognition of self-nature; the calculation of exterior influences to compute ones evolutionary direction. Cultivate the faculty of being aware of auspicious signs such as dreams or omens. A positive card, very much the path of the warrior, a chance to make gains by confrontation, the burning of karma, a return to source. A way through to eternity.

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