Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Spider bites my red cheek

From 2012

Camping at a festival, a great variety of wildlife took refuge in the tent from torrential rain. This and many other things led to a vivid dream of a large spider abseiling down in the night to take a deep bite into my rosy red cheek.
Looking in my dream mirror, I studied with curiosity two deep puncture marks, which I observed joyfully and with a smile. When I awoke I reflected that through a willingness to literally face my own wounds, I had woven for myself the most magical web of a weekend.
Spider told me she was the teaching of a fearless wild mother nature, one that consciously embraces risk in order to grow.

Post script

Here is what was happening at the time, from a friends FB post:

Back from Bliss Ireland. An amazing and challenging weekend. I'm yet again reminded that I never stop learning, even though it's hard sometimes. I'm also very proud to have assisted Cathryn when she co-facilitated Ireland's first ever open (drop-in) yoni massage workshop. There have been others, but they were all apparently done within closed courses/trainings.

I feel part of a very powerful movement.

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