Saturday, August 26, 2023

Divine Ridiculous

 Two dreams about power

I am with a friend P (pronouns they / them). Someone else is inviting us on an adventure to somewhere very icy, cold and dangerous. They are unsure but i say "it maybe an opportunity, this person really knows what they are doing, lets go!" so we do.

We arrive with a group in a tent in the snow. There is an odd moment when P has gross snot pouring out of their nose. I recall that they had a constellation once about their infected sinuses and the constellation revealed the issue to be the witholding of their power (the theme of power laces through the two dreams ....)

Looking out the tent I see two big brown grizzly shaggy bears, a daddy bear and a son. Oh Shit! I unzip an opening at the back of the tent and run out, I recall feeling vaguely responsible and guilty for us being there and for fleeing for my life too.

Next I am in a town. A woman has taken me from the frozen landscape to escape, we are heading to an apartment. As we enter the apartment I see a woman walking down the road. She is like a Dickens character, dressed in once wealthy Victorian attire now all ragged. She says "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow ..." and then "if you go in there it will be an endless row of Sundays, forever Sunday, Sunday, Sunday ....".

I am unnerved but go in anyway.

Inside its rich, I realise we are in the bears apartment! They have become a man and a son now. I see another man from the tent, its B from the divine ridiculous group. He is wearing a big ceramic mask that covers his whole head. Its crude, thick, shapeless, with a grid of big holes in the front to see and breathe out of. I realised he has escaped here with me, with the woman too.

I can see us wondering together what will happen here, though we don't acknowledhge with words.

B tries to speak to the young son, to engage, to say his name. The boy and Dad who have looked quite nice and friendly till now suddenly turn. The boy says to B - "how dare you address me! Don't speak until you are spoken to!".

I / B / we realise now, this isn't looking good. Its not going to be easy.

At the same time, deep in my bones I know that there is something here we need to learn, we are in the right place, we SHOULD and NEED to be here to learn this lesson. I am not scared. I wake up energised, stirred, cleansed somehow.

I fall back to sleep and have a second dream ...

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